In 2025, we will crown our 10th Colt Starting Champion
The Southern Equine Expo Colt Starting Challenge is NOT a race, but rather an event to demonstrate and educate on how the proper use of sound horsemanship fundamentals result in establishing the functional relationship between horse and trainer. The process is accelerated in this format showcasing the effectiveness of each horseman. It is the journey, not the destination that matters most.
Southern Equine Expo is committed to promoting female trainers across the country. We want to provide a platform for women to showcase their talents in developing the foundation for the horse’s future.
2025 Colt Starting Challenge Competitors
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Shaylin Barnett
Ginger Duke
Jessica Harris
Shaylin Barnett has been training professionally for the last 6 years. Shaylin is the 2024 MG Horse Help Train Off inaugural Champion
Shaylin’s training philosophy: Centers on creating soft, willing and forgiving horses by focusing on clear, consistent communication and patience. She believes in building trust and respect, prioritizing partnership, and using calm leadership to guide the horse.
Ginger Duke has been a champion and reserve champion at mustang magic. She is an accomplished trick rider and equine specialty act performer.
Ginger’s training philosophy: Not one method works with every horse. I am a go with flow and see what the horse needs each session.
Jessica Harris has started hundreds of horses over the years and considers it her specialty and passion. She began training horses professionally in 2006.
Jessica’s training philosophy: Each horse, young or old, green or seasoned, of any disciple deserves a custom-tailored approach specific to their needs. She believes that timing of firm but fair pressure and release is the most important aspect of training. Any try should be rewarded, with the goal to continually elevate the threshold with trust and guidance.
The Colt Starting Challenge will be divided into five sessions. The first three sessions will be conducted strictly in the round pen. The goal of the initial sessions is to establish a foundation to progressively build on. These sessions are approximately one hour to one and half hours in duration depending on the session. The fourth session is 45 minutes on Saturday afternoon. Contestants will work outside of a round pen using longeing and long lines to build independence from the round pen. The final 10-15 minutes cattle may be release into the main arena for the contestants use the cattle to help teach the horse. Management reserves the right to extend the time for the fourth round in order to allow Contestants to complete working cattle. The obstacle challenge on Sunday afternoon is the culmination of the built foundation. During the finals, the contestant will start in the round pen then move into the main arena to work the obstacles.
Images are from 2022 Round 4, all three colt starters in the big arena together for the first time and working cattle to help train their horses. This is unique to the Southern Equine Expo Colt Starting Challenge. All fillies and trainers did outstanding job.
All part of the journey to put a solid foundation on these fillies.
Thank you to Lost Creek Cattle Company for providing the horses in 2025.
The Southern Equine Expo welcomes the return of Lost Creek Cattle Company as the Official Colt Starting Challenge sponsor again for 2025. Lost Creek Cattle Company is the equine portion of Kinslow Farms, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Kinslow, DVM. Approximately 100 Quarter Horses share 1,000 acres in the Tennessee hills with a commercial cow herd, backgrounding operation and feed lot.
In 2017, Lost Creek Cattle Company furnished the horses for the Colt Starting Challenge. “We were impressed with the condition and the quality of the horses Dr. Kinslow and ranch manager, Charlie Ramsey brought to the Expo”, stated Patrick Kayser, Southern Equine Expo CEO.
The Lost Creek Cattle Company horses are raised outside in the pasture, in a group setting the way the Good Lord intended. The horses have a ton of color, good bone, great minds, and come from using bloodlines. The goal of Lost Creek Cattle Company is the production of high-quality ranch type working horses.
Their foundation breeding began with the grand ole bloodlines that were proven for generations such as Blue Valentine, High Rolling Roany, Pete Oswald and King Fritz. Current bloodlines being infused into the herd include Playgun, Paddy’s Irish Whiskey, and Josephs Gold. Great conformation and a polite disposition are demanded; while Dr. Kinslow prefers roan colored horses.
The fillies selected for the 2022 Southern Equine Expo are the most uniform set of horses ever used. All of the horses are blue roan color, strong top lines, straight legs standing on a solid column of bone, pretty heads, and good attitudes. Full siblings to these horses matured between 14.2-15 hands
Prior to the expo, the horses will be vaccinated, dewormed using Zoetis products, and only halter broke. All horses will be for sale at the Expo. Lost Creek will also have yearling fillies, and young riding horses for sale at the Expo. Stop by their booth for more information.
Through Dr. Kinslow and the Lost Creek Cattle Company’s support, the Colt Starting Challenge remains a central attraction at the Southern Equine Expo.

Grace Thompson wins 2024 Southern Equine Expo Colt Starting Challenge Champion presented by Lost Creek Cattle Company
Past Winners