Robert Eversole, “The TrailMeister,” owns and operates the world’s largest horse trail and horse camp guide, www.TrailMeister.com.
Internationally recognized clinician, keynote speaker, riding instructor, and author of the best-selling book “The ABCs of Trail Riding and Horse Camping” Robert “the TrailMeister” coaches horse owners of every experience level on how to enjoy trail riding and camping with equines. He shares his experiences and explains what works (and why!) and what hasn’t worked over the decades, he’s been riding, camping, and packing across the continent.
A refugee from corporate America, Robert built the world’s largest guide to horse trails and camps, www.TrailMeister.com, when he found that accurate information was unavailable. In his clinics and trail-riding columns in leading equine publications, Robert draws from his experiences as a veteran of the US Marine Corps, a PATH-certified riding instructor, and decades of teaching equestrian and outdoor skills.
Robert’s passion is providing educational and entertaining information to help horse owners move past their fears and on to their ambitions and dreams of trail riding and horse camping. He emphasizes practical horsemanship and outdoor skills in his trail riding and camping clinics.
TrailMeister clinics and the website are filled with practical, workable information that every rider and camper can use. Web visitors and clinic attendees will leave with the tools and confidence they need to enjoy the great outdoors safely. Robert helps riders realize their goals.
When not on the trail, Robert belongs to a mule named Ruger and a dog named Bo.
Robert Eversole's Lectures
Friday, February 21, 2025
The 10 Essentials for Every Ride: Even an easy front country “just a day ride” can quickly become “interesting.” If you’re injured, how you’ve prepared for the unexpected can well make the difference between an inconvenience and far worse. We’ll discuss ten systems that should accompany you on every ride.
Front Country Horse Camping, What to Know BEFORE You Go: Good horse camping is easy; excellent Horse Camping requires a little more preparation. We’ll discuss how to get the most out of your adventures this summer. Including what to look for in a campground, ways to contain your animals, and even learn why Love Letters are an essential part of every camping trip!
Saturday, February 22, 2025
The ABCs of Trail Riding: Trail Riders and horse campers of all types will enjoy this primer on the why’s and how’s of trail riding. Each letter of the alphabet will start another discussion, and we’ll ride the trail from Advocacy to Knots to Xenophon and more.
What Really Happens When You Press SOS – Communication technologies have evolved in the past few years. We’re far beyond smoke signals and flares! We’ll discuss how SOS devices have evolved and how the SOS communications chain operates when a ride becomes “eventful.”
Sunday, February 23, 2025
A Fine and Pleasant Misery – The How’s and Why’s of Backcountry Horse Camping: Day rides and camping with your horses at an established campground are good, and camping with your horses in the depths of the Wilderness is grand. But how to plan a trip into an area where the serenity of the backcountry drowns the clatter of civilization? We’ll discuss your prime considerations from where to go to what to take and how to carry it.
Why Wilderness Should be on Your Ride Bucket List – In this clinic we’ll describe and illustrate why Wilderness should be on every horse rider’s bucket list, through the inspiring words of John Muir. Not only will we get excited about visiting remote areas with our horses, we’ll discuss how to do plan and prepare for the trip.