Jennifer Bauer is a internationally known gaited horse clinician who conducts throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin River Falls with a degree in animal science equine business. Jennifer works with riders to create communication and trust with their equine partner.
Through this riders learn how their aides, balance, and movements affect the horse’s movement. Horse’s mirror what the rider does, the more the rider is aware of what they do, the better the rider can communicate with our horse.
Jennifer Bauer's Clinics
Friday, February 21
Ground Work for the Gaited Horse
Description: Groundwork for advancement. Jennifer will be showing how to ask more out of your horse without the weight of the rider. Jennifer will also be showing what to look for and show how to strengthen the horse when you are not able to ride.
Requiremnets: 2 riders that want to learn more about how our riding affects gaits. $20/horse
Controlling your horse’s feet. How our aids guide the horse
Description: Going over how our aids affect the horse’s feet. Better communication with our horse creates a safer trail horse. Controlling the horse’s feet allows us to adjust the gait.
Requiremnets: 2 riders that want to learn more about how our riding affects gaits. $20/horse

Saturday, February 22
Gaiting in control. You don’t go just one speed.
Description: Controlling the speed is all about balance. Jennifer will be demonstrating exercises to help with both horses who go to much and not go enough. Its all about biomechanics.
Requirements: Participants having problems with speed control. Cost $25/ horse
Mirror Mirror on the horse.
Description: Horse is a mirror image of the rider. How our riding affects how the horse moves and their gaits.
Requirements: Rider is someone that is having difficulty gaiting. $25/rider
Tack and Equipment for the Gaited Horse
Description: What is different about the gaited horse’s back versus a trotting horse. How bits affect gait.
Sunday, February 23
Exercises for a smoother gait. working on collection
Description: Advancing work to lift the horse’s back. Creating collection for a smooth and safe trail horse.
Requirements: Riders that have their horse’s under control but want to work on collection. $25/rider
Pace, where is that brace
Description: Changing a horse from pacing to gaiting. Exercises to release the brace in the back to allow the horse to move and gait.
Requirements: Horse that paces or just does not gaiting Cost $25/ horse