Dale Rudin

Dale Rudin’s passion is to help humans and horses live their best lives and share experience joy together. She resides in Santa Fe, Tennessee, where she offers humane horse training, compassionate behavior solutions, and physical and emotional rehabilitation services.

Dale is a CHA Certified English and western riding instructor, Certified Equine Nutritionist, and therapeutic saddle fitter. She is educated in Applied Behavioral Analysis, behavioral science, equine biomechanics, and a wide range of compassionate communication techniques. She helps horses thrive by developing emotional stability, physical balance, comfort and confidence on the ground and under saddle. She helps her human students feel safer and more confident by teaching them how to listen to their horses and be sensitive to their physical and emotional needs.

Dale is a founding member of Force Free Tennessee and an Equine Training Professional member of the Pet Professionals Guild. She founded Pure Joy Horse Haven (PureJoyHorseHaven.org), a 501(c)3 a sanctuary for physically and emotionally traumatized horses. The Haven also provides low-cost and free education about evidence-based horsemanship and equine welfare. Dale is a regular contributor to Horse Illustrated magazine and is published on HorseChannel.com and WoofOnNashville.com.

Dale teaches reinforcement-based techniques for riding, groundwork, and liberty training. She offers saddle fitting and nutrition consultations in person and online. Check out Dale’s upcoming clinics, online classes, and line of equine wellness products at PureJoyHorsemanship.com.

Dale Rudin's Clinics

Friday, March 17

Lecture: Function to Form – A Fresh Perspective on Equine Conformation
Description: When it comes to conformation, there is far more going on than meets the eye. While it’s common knowledge that horses can be born with good or poor conformation, what often isn’t considered is the amazingly elastic and adaptive nature of the equine musculoskeletal system. From hooves to spine, and everything in between, it’s normal for your horse’s physical structure to change in response to external forces. Some of these adaptations can be really beneficial, such as developing muscle when exposed to thoughtfully applied exercise, yet others can be maladaptive and cause serious issues for your horse’s body and mind.

A Practical Look at the Science of Horse Training
Description: How do you know which approach to use when you’re training your horse? What is the best choice? Is it pressure-release, advance-retreat, reinforcement, classical conditioning, or counter conditioning? To find the answer, you need to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each method, and the mechanics of how they work. Insight into these techniques will give you the tools to be an adaptable, effective, and more successful trainer.

Saturday, March 17

Lecture: Welfare-Centered Horse Management and Care – A Practical Guide to Helping Your Horse Thrive
Description: Would you like to improve your horse’s behavior, reduce the likelihood of injury, increase comfort, promote emotional stability, and enhance the quality of your horse’s life? You can do all that and more by taking an ethological approach to your horse’s care. When your horse’s body and mind have what they need to function at optimum levels, physical and emotional stress levels are reduced. Your horse will be less reactive, more engaged, and better able to handle life’s challenges.

Fitting a Saddle to Horse and Rider
Is your saddle a good fit for you and your horse? Saddles can be too wide, too narrow, too long, and even have hidden manufacturer flaws that make them unsuitable to be used on any horse. When a saddle doesn’t fit properly it can restrict blood flow to the muscles and cause significant damage. Pain caused by a saddle will compel your horse to adopt unhealthy patterns of movement that can stress and strain the entire body. Does your horse exhibit behavior problems during, or even before, your ride? It could be poor saddle fit. Learn how to assess your saddle, how to deal with difficult-to-fit horses, and to make sure the saddle you’re riding in is right for you.

Sunday, March 17

Lecture: What is Your Horse Really Thinking? – The Science of Learning and Behavior
Description: Did you know that an emotion behind every one of your horse’s behaviors? If you want to how your horse thinks, you need to understand how he feels. By gaining insight into your horse’s emotional state, you can more accurately interpret, and even predict, his behavior. This will help you identify welfare issues, enhance learning and communication during training sessions, and make every interaction safer and more enjoyable for you and your equine friend.