Colt Starting Challenge Application SEE Colt Starting Challenge Application Personal Information Name Name First First Last Last Phone Email Facebook and or Instagram account YouTube channel or other Social Media Website/URL Address Address Address Address City City State/Province State/Province Zip/Postal Zip/Postal Background Have you ever competed in a Colt Starting Competition? Yes No Include Mustang Makeover If Yes, list the competition(s) and placing(s) Summarize your training experience Description of your training philosophy Why you want to be part of the Southern Equine Expo? Upload pictures Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 516MB Include pictures working with a horse and at least one close up. Upload Video Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 516MB Videos of working a horse in a round pen or young horse Are you willing to give a clinic or presentation in addition to the Colt Starting Competition Yes No Potential Clinic 1 Clinic Title Clinic Description Select all that where this could be held * Coliseum Arena (150'x150') North Arena (100'x130') Round pen (40'-50') Unmounted demo area (20'x20') # horses needed Just using mine0123456 Do you need participants YesNo If yes, how many participants? Potential Clinic 2 Clinic Title Clinic Description Select all that where this could be held Coliseum Arena (150'x150') North Arena (100'x130') Round Pen (40'-50') Unmounted demo area (20'x20') # horses needed Just using mine0123456 Do you need participants YesNo If yes, how many participants? * I understand that by submitting this application that I are not guaranteed a spot at the 2025 Southern Equine Expo. I understand that if accepted, I am responsible for all travel expensive including lodging. The only compensation will be the guarantee prize money. Submit Start Over If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ